On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 2:01 PM,  <quim....@nokia.com> wrote:
> The role of the Maemo Community Council doesn't translate here as such.

To an extent, that's true, yes. There's less of a requirement for a
community-to-Nokia and a Nokia-to-community conduit, but I don't
believe the requirement has gone away. The vendors involved in MeeGo
are going to represent relationships similar to the current
Maemo/maemo.org (just substitute MeeGo-Linux Foundation and
MeeGo-<vendor>), and corporate personnel involved in the project are
never going to be completely free of their corporate requirements. The
council's mandate encompasses much more than just representing the
community's views to Nokia and vice-versa. It also fills an important
facilitation role as well as providing some focus and leadership
(lead-by-example, not lead-by-administration) for the community.

I think the biggest issue clouding these discussions is the mess that
MeeGo-LF vs MeeGo-<vendor> tends to create (which is made even worse
when you bring in Harmattan which isn't really even MeeGo at all!).
lbt has brought up the issue of addressing vendor stuff in meego.com
several times, and I think the ideology of a pure MeeGo-LF being the
only thing we ever have to address here is a bit of a pipe dream
(unless, of course, it's Nokia's intention to rid themselves of that
pesky community by dumping them off on the LF :rolleyes:), and likely
a stance that will be harmful to the platform in the long run.

So, yes, I believe the concept this translates well and I believe an
elected body representing non-affiliated interests and providing
community focus and facilitation beyond the CWG is a Good Thing. The
Technical Working Group, by name, is not an appropriate body to be the
primary one handling community issues.
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