On Apr 4, 2011, at 11:23 AM, Dave Neary wrote:

> First, is there a possibility we can avoid the need for real-time meetings 
> altogether, and encourage asynchronous written communication on the 
> appropriate mailing lists? It's been a while since the TSG has been required 
> attendance on my calendar, for a few reasons - most of what happens in the 
> TSG meetings looks like it could happen asynchronously 
> (nomination/response/approval), so I can catch up on meeting minutes easily, 
> and the agendas seem more information-oriented than decision/problem-solving 
> oriented.

As the format and content currently stand, there really doesn't seem to be much 
purpose to real-time meetings. It seems like all the checkbox nominations 
really don't require anything more than an email to the list (if that, given 
that they seem to be pre-decided somewhere in closed-door land).

Where real-time meetings might've been useful would be for those contentious 
and complicated issues which seem to crop up every so often, but as those seem 
to be ignored or side-stepped anyway. . . .

Really, I guess what it comes down to is a time saver for the TSG if they only 
need to pay attention to one 30-minute IRC meeting once a month. ;)
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