On 29/09/2011 5:51 PM, ext John Veness wrote:
On 29/09/2011 15:12, Andrew Flegg wrote:
How long until LF/Intel turn off *.meego.com?

I guess LF will keep *.meego.com running as long as someone can pay for it,
which obviously doesn't have to be Intel. I expect it's expensive, though.
Anyone know the monthly bill to keep all the kit running, inc. staff costs?

[Disclaimer: I am a Nokia employee and I know nothing about Tizen and the plans around it]

Hi John/Andrew,

as I said in the meeting minutes of MeegoIT team yesterday [1]

" * we won't shutdown meego.com machines anytime soon and will continue to provide the infra for the community to work and exist as long as needed"

We will be looking at how much it costs and see how much money was paid already to LF and see how long that will cover. I can't tell right now how long it will be as I just didn't do the math yet.


[1] http://lists.meego.com/pipermail/meego-it/2011-September/000099.html
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