On 09/29/2010 09:25 PM, Robin Burchell wrote:
Excerpts from Alberto Mardegan's message of Wed Sep 29 21:14:14 +0300 2010:
Great! I've one question about the API: I think it would make sense to add a

QGeoPositionInfoSource::setLastKnownPosition(const QGeoCoordinate&);

Does it really make sense to have this in public API targetted at application
developers? I'm not so sure about that... Multiple places all setting it (some
of which probably without rigorous QA) could lead to problems all too
easily, even if that problem is just longer time to get a fix.

This *is* an API for application developers! The user will use it when he knows his approximate location. Of course it doesn't make sense to have this if the framework already provides some UIs which allow the user to pick his estimated position, but I don't think this will be the case.


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