Hi Stuart,

Am Mittwoch, 3. November 2010, 17:52:42 schrieb Stuart Hughes:
> Hi MeeGoers,
> Does anyone know how qemu detects the machine type when you mic-chroot
> to a (meego) root filesystem?
> When I mic-chroot into the meego-handset-armv7l-n900-1.1 on Ubuntu
> 10.10, uname -m incorrectly reports armv5tel 
> However on a Virtualbox / OpenSuse 11.2 installation, the same root
> filesystem correctly reports armv7l (I can't use this Virtual machine as
> Xephyr won't start).

Thats depending on the version of qemu-arm(-static) you use! 
Try using a really new version e.g. 0.13.

Best regards,

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