On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 10:45 PM, Wichmann, Mats D
<mats.d.wichm...@intel.com> wrote:

>> I have just recently read the developer pages on this very
>> subject, and I was surprised to find the distinction, that Meego Touch
>> Framework and the Web Runtime are in a "Platform API" with
>> warnings against using them. More clarification is indeed
>> needed, as far as I am concerned.
> In the case of these two, it's a question of maturity.
> Since the current versions aren't fully mature, it can't be promised
> they won't change in the next version.  There's nothing to prevent,
> and indeed it's the intent, to promote these to high-guarantee status
> once the right level of maturity is reached.

Nope, the decision to have these as platform APIs instead of MeeGo
APIs is a strategic choice:


Articles like these may seem a bit weird to technical people (with all
the talk about 'Qt'), but when you replace all references to "Qt" with
"Qt Quick" (which is the real meaning behind the message), they
suddenly make more sense. Orbit was axed and MTF won't be promoted to
external developers. Regarding WRT - having it as platform api is not
an accident or oversight.

Ville M. Vainio @@ Forum Nokia
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