Hi Tracy,

Am Montag, 31. Januar 2011, 20:21:00 schrieb Tracy Graydon:
> Hi Jeremiah,
> I suspect that the meego-repos line is actually causing mic to go look for a
> package by that name. I don't see any such package in the repos included in
> the kickstart file, although I couldn't actually access
> http://download.obs.maemo.org/home%3a/harbaum/MeeGo_current/. 

URL changed due to move of the community OBS to:

> If that is actually a real package you are trying to load, that is likely
> why it is barfing...can't find that package in any of the designated repos. 
> Is meego-repos really intended to pull a specific package in, or was the
> intention something else? i.e. Just wondering if I am missing something
> thing...

IIRC meego-repos used to write the update server url's for later use by 
It is still part of MeeGo:1.0:Core but unused in later versions of MeeGo 

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