On 06/04/11 13:15, Mika Laitio wrote:
I have setted in my .oscrc
build-root = /var/tmp/%(repo)s-%(arch)s

If I first build mce locally with "osc build armv8el Trunk_Testing", I
have in my build root all packages that were required for building the
mce on /var/tmp/Trunk_Testing-armv8el

But If I will after that build kernel locally again with same "osc build
armv8el Trunk_Testing", osc will now install all additional dependencies
required by the kernel build to this same /var/tmp/Trunk_Testing-armv8el
That's fine, but for some reason it seems also be removing all
dependencies that were required by the MCE but are not required for the
kernel build.

The reasonong behind this is that OBS (and osc) are designed to build in clean chroots that are specified by the dependency chain initiated in the .spec. This ensures you have the correct package dependencies and don't inadvertantly ship code that FTBFS.

Is there any method for preventing this?
I know that one solution is to configure in oscrc a package specific
build roots, but as each chroot takes about 1 gb of harddrive,
I would rather try to have just arch specific chroots that contains all
non-conflicting build dependencies for many different pacakages

That pretty much defeats the purpose of osc build - but, if you want rope:
  osc build --extra-pkgs=PAC
and repeat that for the build-deps for mce when building a kernel. Maye use a PAC==<a meta-pkg> to manage that list. That extra-pkgs can even go into your .oscrc ... this may or may not do what you want :)


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