[Adding meego-qa@ to CC as it should handle this IMO.]

Am Dienstag, den 02.11.2010, 10:59 +0100 schrieb Carsten Munk:
> What I personally think should be done is simply by having a public
> written policy how to deal with matters like:
> * Security sensitive bug reports
> * Developers/testers/whatever contributing copyrighted information
> that he has no right to, either as patches, bug report information,
> etc.

Such a public policy (who to set it up on the MeeGo wiki? QA team?)
should also define when to completely block access to a report and when
to just mark specific comments as private (so they are not visible for

Blocking access to a report might make sense when the bug summary
already contains sensitive information.
However the default should be to only mark specific comments as private
in case they contain
      * copyrighted information
      * non-public hardware information of MeeGo stakeholders
      * spam advertisements for websites or non-MeeGo products
      * insults towards other users
      * (on specific request of the commenter:) content that makes the
        commenter appear in a bad light (commenter identity in
        combination with accidentially posted content like porn movie
        file names in .xsession-errors output etc).

Andre Klapper (maemo.org bugmaster)

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