> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 00:13:42 +0900
> From: "Seong Kyu Kim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Meep-discuss] installing parallel hdf5 into nonstandard
>       directory
> To: meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="euc-kr"
> Here I attached the config.log for hdf5 for the above problem.
> Seong Kyu Kim
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Seong Kyu Kim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: meep-discuss@ab-initio.mit.edu
> Date: 2008-05-14 11:51:16
> Subject: [Meep-discuss] installing parallel hdf5 into nonstandard  
> directory
> Dear prof. Steven G. Johnson and many other meep helpers.
> This January, I myself successfully installed the meep into a single  
> processor Linux PC, which I have a root privilege.
> I have run some small ctl files O.K. for a month. Now, I am  
> installing mpi version of the programs into a cluster system,
> which I do not have a root privilege.  So I had to install all files  
> into a nonstandard directory /home/skkim/local instead
> of the standard /usr/local. The biggest difficulty I have is to set  
> the path for sharing libraries. Previously, I edited
> /etc/ld.so.conf to include a line /usr/local/lib, and this made  
> sharing libraries so easy. But without the root privilege,
> I cannot do it in the cluster PC.
> I tried the following ways.
> (1) I made sure that guile.x86_64 and guile-devel.x86_64 were  
> installed.
> (2) For the mpi, I made sure that mpiblast.x86_64, mpich-ethernet- 
> gnu.x86_64 , openmpi.x86_64 , openmpi-devel.x86_64 , openmpi- 
> libs.x86_64 were installed.
> (3) In my .cshrc file, I added the following lines,
>    setenv LDFLAGS "-L/home/skkim/local/lib"
>    setenv CPPFLAGS "-I/home/skkim/local/include"
>    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "home/skkim/local/lib"
>    setenv LD_RUN_PATH "/home/skkim/local/lib"
>    and modified the path, set path = (. $HOME/bin $HOME/local/bin  
> $path)
> (4) I successfully installed libctl-3.0.3 into /home/skkim/local and  
> its daughter directories.
> (5) I tried to install parallel hdf5 (version 1.8.0) with following  
> commands;
>      % setenv CC "/usr/local/mpich/bin/mpicc"
>      % setenv CXX "/usr/local/mpich/bin/mpicc"
>      % ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local
>      % make all
>      % make install
>  The series of commands seemed to work fine, creating hdf5-related  
> files in /home/skkim/local/lib,
> /home/skkim/local/bin. (However, it did not produce /home/skkim/ 
> local/doc.)
> (6) I tried to install h5utils (version-1.11.1) by typing;
>   % ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local
>  It gave "configure: error: hdf5 libraries are required for  
> compilation" at the end of message display.
>  When I typed % make all, it gave a whole bunch of error messages  
> implying hdf5 is not found.
> Can someone help me with this problem?


I had a similar problem a couple of weeks ago with h5utils and  
parallel hdf5 libraries on my Mac.  It can be fixed, or was fixed in  
my case, by adding this to the configure flags in addition to your  
other ones:


I think this tells the configure script/compiler to be expecting  
parallel libraries instead of serial ones.  Hope this helps.



Research PhD Student
Photonics Group
Dept. of Electrical & Electrical Engineering
University of Bristol
Rm 2.11, Queen's Building
University Walk


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