On Mar 6, 2009, at 4:31 PM, adrian wrote:

  Hi Zheng:
I finally figure out your approach after reading one website as below:


   I think that's what you mean.
However, I am thinking if anyway in meep to accumulate the field in one period without storing fields in each time step for postprocess. Since if we have to do so, then it takes a huge disk space.

so my question is: can we write a function in meep to sum up the field respect to time (or integrate field respect to time ) in one period and only output the accumulated field?

If you want to accumulate the field at all points in space, the simplest way is to save it to a temporary file. You can delete each file after it is accumulated, so disk space is independent of run time. This has been discussed previously on the mailing list; see e.g.



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