Dear teacher Steven and Meep Users,

I am working  in cylindrical coordinates. I need to place a mirror at any
 another ponit different than the origin (by default). Whe I use:

const symmetry S = mirror(R, grid_vol);

the mirror symmetry is placed at R = 0 by default. How could I do to place the
mirror in R=5 for example?

#include <meep.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace meep;

double PuntaObject(const vec &p)
    if ((p.z() >= 0 && p.z() <= 10) && (p.r() >= 0 && p.r() <= 10))
    return 1.0; //1.0
    return 1.1;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    meep::initialize mpi(argc, argv);
    double resolution = 10;
    const double pml_thickness = 1.0;
    const double z = 10 + pml_thickness;
    const double r = 10 + pml_thickness;

    grid_volume grid_vol = volcyl(r, z, resolution);
    const symmetry S = mirror(R, grid_vol);
    structure strct(grid_vol, PuntaObject, pml(pml_thickness), S);  //


Roger Leonardo Garay Avendaño
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