To improve memory usage in your simulations, try setting "split_chunks_evenly=False" in the Simulation constructor which should result in chunks that are better matched with the gold layers. You can use the visualize_chunks <> routine to compare the chunk layouts (equal vs. unequal). For details regarding the chunks framework used for paralell/MPI simulations, see Features/Parallel Meep <> as well as Section 3 "Data-Driven Load Balancing" of

Finally, note that the memory management of the chunks for Lorentzian susceptibility materials (i.e., gold) is currently suboptimal: More memory is being used than is actually required by the simulation. We are hoping to fix this soon.

On 11/26/2020 4:22, Juan Ramón D wrote:
Is there any way I can reduce the RAM usage for such a simulation, to get a higher resolution? Could it be because of a different reason?

I can only think of reducing the cell (PML layers) and using non-dispersive models for the materials, but both methods compromise the results of my simulation.

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