I've some limited experience in debugging some meld problems. I found that 
there is a some share of bugs where interactive debugging wasn't useful for 
investigating problem. This includes:
- Problems depenedent on stratup method/environment. For example some problems 
were specific to starting meld not directly or via IDE but only via `git 
- Performance problems. Introducing debuggers/profilers affects performance 
- GUI input-events related problems. Interrupting app with switching to 
debugger produces extra focus-out/focus-in events, which can be confusing.

So, for cases listed above I often just adding temporarily print() or logging 
to file inside source code instead of using interactive debugger.
Regards, Vasily

> Hey,
> I'm wondering what tools people are using in windows for a development 
> environment when they are working on Meld?
> I was about to try to get a convenient setup going in VS Code (which I only 
> recently started using)
> for debugging etc., but I thought I'd check if anyone had any strong opinions 
> or experiences that could be useful.
> Regards,
> Adam
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