Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:23 PM
Subject: North Amercain Beef Congress

Hi Jane
I was wondering if you could pass on some information for me? 
North Amercain Beef Congress is hosting the Canadain Gallloway National Show in London . Ontario October 27,28,29 2006  The galloway show is on Friday October 27 at 8a.m. and the Galloway Select Sale is a noon. We are invited any American that would like to come and show and be part of the sale.The border is open to animals under the age of 30 months. We have thias in writing that show animals are able to come from the States and return if under the age of 30 months and they return within 30 days of the show.
If you could pass this information onto your members we would appreciate it.
Thanks Marie Blake
Suncrest Farms

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