Galloway Friends:

This morning, Monday, July 24, 2006, our only child, Stephen William Castner, was killed in Iraq while carrying out his duties as a United States soldier serving in the 121st Field Artillery Regiment, Wisconsin National Guard.

We honor Steve as he would have us honor him, as a courageous individual who understood both the risk and the necessity of the United States military presence in Iraq.  Steve knew that relatively few do the fighting required to sustain the way of life, the democratic system and the standard of living that are ours in the United States.

Abraham Lincoln believed that immortality was achieved in the memories of those who lived on.  As you go about your daily lives, we ask that you remember forever that your food, your shelter, your freedom and your fuel were purchased for you by Steve and his brothers in arms.

We will conduct a private funeral service for Steve.  In due time, we will announce a public memorial service.

Kay and Steve Castner

Cedarburg. Wisconsin

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