I just received a letter for the annual meeting and show in Billings for the AGBA.
I doubt I will be attending, with such a short notice to be able to get any reasonable
price for airfare.  Maybe next year this can be announced in the summer newsletter,
as in the past, so people coming from any distance have time to shop around for
I just want to remind you that if you aren't able to attend, you should send your
vote along with someone who is attending.  You can do this with a proxy vote and
send it to another member or a director with your thoughts and ideas. 
If any of you are planning on attending, you should get on this web-site and send out
a message to the membership, so they can contact you and send along their thoughts
and/or proxy vote.  Time is running out and we all need to be heard with what our past,
present and future concerns for the future of the AGBA. 
Keep in touch and remember this association is only as good as the energy & people that
participate in its operation.  Speak up and be heard.  Rememebr if you vote, you have the
right to be satisfied or complain on the outcome, good or bad.  If you don't vote, you have
given up that right.  This goes for cattle and our government, wherever you live. 
Have a good trip, show, and keep the rest of us informed of the happenings at this years
meeting and Galloway show.  The weather is SE Wisconsin is again in its rainy cycle.  I
hope you all have had a year of good calves and lots of hay to feed them over the winter.
God bless,
Zoe & Doug
Kalli-Mon Galloways

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