I've done some more work on the chroot setup today so I'd appreciate some tests
and feedback on the new version before I put it into an image.

I've incorporated Rodrigo's SSL cert fix for Ubuntu too - thanks!

Note that the hooks have changed names - they're still defined in ~/.mersdkrc
but are now called: enter_sdk; leave_sdk; mount_sdk; umount_sdk

You don't need a new image to try it, just:
* enter an existing SDK
* zypper ref
* zypper in sdk-chroot
* leave the SDK
* There's a small chance that you'll need to manually unmount some leftover bind
mounts - please manually check all bind mounts are gone.
* setup the SDK mounts by running:  /path/to/SDK/mer-sdk-chroot mount
* use the SDK by running:   /path/to/SDK/mer-sdk-chroot enter
* Before deleting the SDK run : /path/to/SDK/mer-sdk-chroot umount

If you create a ~/.mersdkrc.profile you can do useful things like set a special
prompt inside the SDK eg:
  PS1="MerSDK $PS1"

There's some sanity checking so you should find that you can't run
 /path/to/SDK/mer-sdk-chroot umount
whilst a session is in progress and
 /path/to/SDK/mer-sdk-chroot mount
will refuse to run twice.

The changelog is:
* Sat Feb 25 2012 David Greaves <da...@dgreaves.com> - 0.3-1
- git 3264fc0
- Change usage to
  - mer-sdk-chroot mount
    This sets up bind mounts in the chroot as a one-off
  - mer-sdk-chroot enter
    May be used in multiple terminals and simply enters the chroot
  - mer-sdk-chroot umount
    Used to un-mount the bind mounts in case the SDK needs removing
- Support ~/.mersdk.profile execution when entering SDK chroot (magic)
- Count active chroot session
- Rework user hooks to support
  - enter_sdk
  - leave_sdk
  - mount_sdk
  - umount_sdk
- umount everything in the chroot
- use --rbind to mount / on parentroot; also use --make-unbindable to
  support concurrent SDK usage
- Support all/none/home/root as valid mount variants
- Ensure sdkroot is canonical
- Add -r to make supporting a different rootfs explicit

Git code is at: https://github.com/lbt/sdk-kickstarter-configs


On 25/02/12 02:04, Hui Zhang wrote:
> Hi Timo,
>   We have tested the meego-mer-sdk-atom vesion(at that time the latest version
> has not come out), osc build in this version is quite good!
>   We will soon test the latest version.
>   Thanks for the hard work:)
> On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 1:18 AM, Timo Härkönen <timop.harko...@gmail.com
> <mailto:timop.harko...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi
>     The platform SDK [0] is a work in progress but if you have experimented 
> with
>     it we'd like to hear your thoughts on it so the it can be made more useful
>     (or documented to be more useful).
>     What did you do with it? did it work? did it have all the things needed
>     available (or are we not planning to ship something needed with it)? etc.
>     Thanks,
>     -Timo
>     [0] http://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Platform_SDK

"Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."

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