
We had the first Mer QA meeting on the last Thursday, 3/4/2012. Thanks
for all participants. The meeting minutes can be found from here:

Two actions were raised in the meeting.

1.  How the BOSS makes a test plan

A Brief recap how the test process could work. When OBS has compiled a
changed package successfully for all architectures, the BOSS signals a
test request to the early notification vendors. A vendor’s, can be a
virtual machine “vendor”, QA automation receives the request and
starts to build image for its own device(s). If the building fails,
the automation sends ‘fail’ response back. Otherwise the image is
flashed to the device(s), all tests are executed and the result is
sent back to the review process.

If we have a test package for every package in Mer, eg. for package
qt5base the test package is qt5base-tests. The test package has then
dependencies for all the packages that are necessary for the test
execution and dependencies to other test packages that are depended
from the changed package, in this case for example
qt5declarative-tests, qt5location-tests, qt5phonon-tests etc.

When the BOSS is building the image, it has to check that the test
package exists for the changed package and include the test package to
the image. This would be fast and easy to implement. Alternative
solution could be that we have separated file or database where the
test packages are mapped.

2. Next QA meeting

I propose the next QA meeting to take place in #mer-meeting on
Thursday 12 April at 12:00 UTC.

Preliminary agenda for the meeting:
1. QA process
2. Tools and tests (we had to skip this topic last time)
3. Next steps

If you would like to add anything to the agenda please let me know.

Have a nice easter vacation,


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