
About a week ago at Devaamo I was fortunate to meet with a bunch of Nemo
guys. Together we discussed and debated ideas to move forward from the
current situation to one where Nemo looks nice and is a pleasure to use.

We feel that currently, the whole Nemo UI looks like just a cheap copy. We
think we could do better than that.
Michael proposed the idea of making a whole new set of UI components for
Nemo, instead of continuing to use the deprecated MeeGo components, and we
think this is generally a good idea, especially now that we have Qt Quick
Controls in Qt 5.1.

With Qt Quick Controls, one can just use a set of standard components while
still being able to maintain a custom look and feel. This means that we can
create our own components without further fragmenting the already
fragmented world of Qt Quick APIs.
If you are interested, here are some links:

The other important thing is to think about the home screen experience.
We think that the way forward in this regard is going for Wayland. There is
already some development in the source tree.
In other news, Robin and the others were able to get Wayland working on the
Nokia N9(50) devices, and there is also good progress on making it work on
libhybris-based hardware adaptations. Carsten can fill in more details here.

We're looking forward to hearing what you think about these things and any
ideas you have.


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