On 01.01.2009 23:06 CE(S)T, Yves Goergen wrote:
> I'm trying the whole evening to build Merkaartor from source. I have
> downloaded and installed Qt 4.4.3 open source edition (including MinGW)
> and MSYS. I have downloaded and unpacked Merkaartor source 0.12.

> Does anybody know how this is supposed to work? Has anybody got a how-to
> of compiling Merkaartor on Windows?

Finally, I'm done. It's a rather complicated task and tricky to find
out. For those who are interested or know better, please see my attached
how-to. It lists all requirements, where you get them and what to do
with all that.

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <nospam.l...@unclassified.de>
Visit my web laboratory at http://beta.unclassified.de
How to build Merkaartor from Source, with Qt 4.4, MinGW and Windows

The entire procedure will take about 1 to 2 hours, depending on your CPU speed, 
internet link and
wizardry skills.

    Qt for Open Source C++ development on Windows - with the MinGW compiler 
included (installer)
        Tested with version 4.4.3
    MSYS Base System (installer)
        Tested with version 1.0.10
    zlib (source)
        Tested with version 1.2.3
    libexpat (source)
        Tested with version 2.0.1
    exiv2 library (source)
        Tested with version 0.18
    libxslt (binary DLL)
        File: libxslt-1.1.24.win32.zip
        File: libxml2-2.7.2.win32.zip
    Merkaartor (source)
        Tested with version 0.12 and svn-20090102
    optionally: SVN command-line client (to download latest Merkaartor source)
        (source unknown, requires svn.exe and a bunch of DLLs)

        Target directory for MinGW: C:\MinGW
        Target directory: C:\MSYS (I suggest you leave out the version number)
        Post installation configuration:
            MinGW directory: c:/mingw
            TODO: what else?

In this how-to, the development root directory is Z:\dev. Its MSYS equivalent 
is /z/dev. Whereever
you see them here, change them to your local paths.

Unpack downloaded archives:
    zlib -> z:\dev\zlib
    libexpat -> z:\dev\expat
    exiv2 -> z:\dev\exiv2
    libxml2 -> z:\dev\libxml2
    libxslt -> z:\dev\libxslt
    Merkaartor -> z:\dev\merkaartor
    SVN binaries -> z:\dev\svn (no subdirectory, put svn.exe right in here)

All lines beginning with a dollar sign ($) are meant to be typed into the MSYS 
shell (without the
$ sign).

Build zlib:
    $ cd /z/dev
    $ cd zlib
    $ ./configure
    $ make
    $ mkdir include lib
    $ cp z{lib,conf}.h include
    $ cp libz.a lib
    $ cd ..

Build libexpat:
    $ cd expat
    $ ./configure
    $ make
    $ mkdir include
    $ cp lib/expat{,_external}.h include
    $ cp .libs/libexpat.a lib/libexpat.a
    $ cd ..

Build exiv2:
    $ cd exiv2
    $ ./configure --with-zlib=/z/dev/zlib --with-expat=/z/dev/expat 
    (This takes ~4 minutes)
    $ make
    (This takes ~25 minutes)
    $ mkdir include lib
    $ cp src/{exiv2,utils,types,version}.hpp include
    $ cp src/exv_conf.h include
    $ cp src/.libs/libexiv2.a lib
    $ cd ..

Copy exiv2 source into Merkaartor directory
    $ rm -r merkaartor/exiv2
    $ mkdir merkaartor/exiv2
    $ cp exiv2/src/*.{c,cpp,h,hpp} merkaartor/exiv2

All lines beginning with a greater-than sign (>) are meant to be typed at the 
Qt command prompt
(without the > sign).

Optionally download the latest SVN source of Merkaartor: (This will download 
all source files into
the merkaartor subdirectory. You better rename it if you already have one.)
    > cd /d z:\dev
    > svn\svn co http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/editors/merkaartor/

Be sure you have copied the exiv2 source files into the merkaartor directory 
(see above).

Build Merkaartor:
    > cd /d z:\dev
    > cd merkaartor
    To build a release version, use the following command:
    > qmake NODEBUG=1
    To build a debug version, use the following command instead: (You should 
think twice about
    building a debug version. You really cannot imagine how slow it will be!)
    > qmake
    Now edit files Makefile.Debug respectively Makefile.Release:
        Append to line DEFINES=...: -D__INTERLOCKED_DECLARED
        Append to line LIBS=...: -LZ:/dev/exiv2/lib -LZ:/dev/expat/lib -lexpat
    > make
    (This takes ~18 minutes)

Copy dependency files:
    If you need a translation, use the following command with your favourite 
    > lrelease merkaartor_de.ts
    Now copy all translations, DLLs and the binary into a new directory:
    > mkdir output
    > copy binaries\...\bin\merkaartor.exe output
    (You'll need to find the correct path for "...".)
    > copy *.qm output
    > copy ..\libxslt\bin\libexslt.dll output
    > copy ..\libxslt\bin\libxslt.dll output
    > copy ..\libxml2\bin\libxml2.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\mingwm10.dll output
    > mkdir output\imageformats
    > copy %QTDIR%\plugins\imageformats\qico4.dll output\imageformats
    > copy %QTDIR%\plugins\imageformats\qtiff4.dll output\imageformats\qtif4.dll
    > copy %QTDIR%\plugins\imageformats\qsvg4.dll output\imageformats
    > copy %QTDIR%\plugins\imageformats\qgif4.dll output\imageformats
    > copy %QTDIR%\plugins\imageformats\qjpeg4.dll output\imageformats
    If you've found your executable in a directory like "release", use these 
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtWebKit4.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtSvg4.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtGui4.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtNetwork4.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtXml4.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtCore4.dll output
    If you've found your executable in a directory like "debug", use these 
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtWebKitd4.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtSvgd4.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtGuid4.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtNetworkd4.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtXmld4.dll output
    > copy %QTDIR%\bin\QtCored4.dll output

You can now execute Merkaartor.exe in the directory output.

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