I know there are few people interested in computing history on this list.

Would anyone be interested in any of the following historical manuals:

    Control Data 6400/6500/6600 Computer Systems Reference Manual, 1969
        This was the world's first commercial supercomputer and first
        RISC architecture based machine; designed by Seymour Cray.

    PDP 11 bus and processor handbooks, ~1973

    VAX 11/780 hardware, software, and architecture handbooks, ~1977

    Bell System Technical Journal, 1978, Vol 57, No 6, Part 2
        This is a special edition devoted to the Unix Time-Sharing System
        authored by all of the key players; it might be the first major
        publication exploring Unix in detail, I am not sure.

    Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, 1984, 63, 8, 2
        Another full issue devoted to Unix by key players.

    The Oak Language and Oak Virtual Machine Specification Release 0.9, 1994
        Oak was subsequently renamed Java.

I checked with the Computer History musuem (a great place if you have
never been), and they didn't want them, but I am having a hard time
just throwing them away.

Let me know if you are interested.  Just give me your address, and I
will mail them to you.

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