
At 09:05 AM 8/5/99 -0700, Eric Hahn wrote:
>I think as the time increases for each LL test, there
>would be much more time savings in attempting to do
>higher trial-factoring.

In version 19, now being QA'ed, prime95 will factor as follows:

Numbers above   are factored to
-------------   ---------------
71000000        2^72
57020000        2^71
44150000        2^70
35100000        2^69
28130000        2^68
21590000        2^67
17850000        2^66
13380000        2^65
8250000         2^64

Note the new lower limit for 2^64 factoring.  Previously, prime95
balanced the "chance of finding a factor" times "cost of factoring"
against the "cost of one LL test".   Prime95 now balances this against
the cost of two LL tests.

What's coming in version 20:

1) Optimized factoring above 2^64.  The present factoring code is not
optimized.  This will lower factoring limits even further.
2) P-1 factoring.  I already know that P-1 factoring will be beneficial
for exponents above 10 million or so.  This means there will be a new
work type!  I need to optimize the P-1 code further and implement a
faster GCD.

Extra credit:  Can someone tell me the probability that P-1 factoring
will find an n-bit factor?  This is but one piece of the puzzle in
determining the best trial factoring limits and P-1 bounds.  To compute
this probability the k in the 2kp+1 factor must be "smooth", that is
all factors must be less than bound #1 except for one factor that
must be less than bound #2.  I'm sure I have the info around here somewhere,
but everyone might be interested in the math behind deriving trial factoring
limits and P-1 bounds. 


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