At 07:57 PM 1999/09/09 -0400, George Woltman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'd like to thank the excellent work of the QA team.  They located
>many bugs, bringing you a higher quality beta.  The QA team included
>Ken Kriesel, Brian Beesley, Tom Cage, Jean-Yves Canart, Bryan Fullerton,
>Marc Getty, Steinar H. Gunderson, Eric Hahn, Alex Healy, Paul Landon,
>Greg McIntyre, Lawrence Murray, Paul Victor Novarese, Ethan M. O'Connor,
>Rick Pali, Shane Sanford, Brian Schroeder, Gordon Spence, Joth Tupper,
>Guillermo Ballester Valor, David Willmore, and Lucas Wiman.

I count 24 bugs found (excluding items I'd categorize as wishlist items, 
misunderstandings about the expected behavior or the program, and those
errors that were not reproducible).

Omitted from the above list of QA team members was Arthur M. Coucouvitis.

To all the QA team members:
Thanks for all the time and thought contributed.
The task is large, with numerous new features, and 67 FFT lengths by my count.
I plan to continue the qa process after v19 moves from prerelease status
through beta to general release, until every FFT length has at least one
successfully double-checked exponent, or a later prime95 version is released.
I hope you will continue with us.


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