> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bob Margulies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, October 24, 1999 9:15 AM
> Subject: Mersenne: More Schlag
> In reading the numerous postings about Liouville numbers and patterned
> transcendentals, I notice that there has been a careful avoidance of the
> definition of the term 'pattern.' If the Liouville Transcendental Number
> is expressed in a base other than 10, I would guess that there's still a
> pattern, but I don't know how to see it. Perhaps a pattern is something
> that sets the 'I see a pattern' bit in my head.

 Sounds ok by me.

 I would accept as a 'pattern' for a (possibly transcendental) number ANY
 form expression giving a general term.  That is, there is some function
 for (positive)
 integers n such that a number with 'pattern' is given by the infinite sum


 The Liouville number I remembered was

 f(n) = (0.1)^(n!)  for n=1,2,3,...

 A simpler (and larger) number used

 f(n) = (0.1) ^ (n^2)

 As I recall, either of these definitions can use any rational number
 (between 0 and 1) in place
 of 0.1 and we get a transcendental number.  Using something convenient in
 base 10 is not the critical
 point.  The critical question is the form of f(n) -- in this case the kind
 of exponent grows faster than a
 linear function.

 I seem to recall a non-intuititive theorem about rational approximations to
 numbers (this is from c. 1968).
 If you can approximate a number too closely, then it is transcendental.
 S.Lang wrote a book on
 trancendental numbers and degrees around 1973 and a precise statement might
 be there.

 Does anyone recall this?


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