At 08:43 PM 11/14/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>Would it be a reasonably easy task to compute and post the total
>(approximate) number of LL P90 years since the last prime was found?

I don't want to be too accurate or some other clever person might figure
out the exponent :)

If you were to LL test every exponent with no known factor from M#38 to
M#39 it would take more than 16,000 P-90 CPU years.

Now we haven't done every one of those LL tests, but that total does not
include all the double-checking work we've done, LL tests we've done below
M#38 and LL tests we've done above M#39.  I'd guess the actual total
could be as high as 20,000 CPU years since M#38 was found.

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