>Depends on the speed of the machine(s) you are using.  Look at the
>benchmark info at www.mersenne.org, or let me know your speed and
>machine type and I will check it for you.

>Best Wishes,

>It is a matter of personal preference.  You can figure out how long
>a double-check would take at http://www.mersenne.org/bench.htm

>Another option for slow machines is ECM factoring.  See
>http://www.mersenne.org/ecm.htm for details (this is not an
>automated project)

>If someone wants to volunteer to improve factoring performance that
>would be great.  The P4 could use an SSE2 implementation.  CPU-specific
>factoring code over 64 bits could be written.
>While factoring could probably be improved tens of percent, it has not
>been a high priority item for me.  A 10% boost in factoring speed lets
>you factor (on average) 10% deeper, which finds about 1 more factor in
>every 650 exponents.  That isn't a great throughput improvement for
>the GIMPS project.

>-- George

My factoring machine speed is k6 400Mhz , and I know of the benchmark pages,
but there are no factoring benchmarks, only LL.

>George Woltman suggested ECM factoring to you as a possibility.
snip snip
>Good luck!  And I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
>Phil Moore
>Lane Community College
>Eugene, Oregon

I will look into the ECM and P-1 factoring, it somehow frustrates me that LL
test tell you
that it is no prime, without knowing a factor.

>Whilst I was able to get reasonably close to the performance of
>George's code for trying the factor - possibly even a tiny bit better
>for factors with only just over 2^64 - I got nowhere near the
>performance of his candidate elimination code.

Hm, do  I see here a chalenge for the dark winter nights ?

snip snip

>The other way to look at this (same conclusion) is that factoring is
>way, way ahead of LL testing, so any perceived inefficiency is not

>Brian Beesley

So, forget trial factoring for the next months, and do only LL ?

George de Fockert

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