----- Original Message -----
From: "George Woltman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Re: Factoring benefit/cost ratio

> I prefer a factor to a double-check.  But it is hard to quantify "prefer"
in a
> mathematical formula for computing trial factoring limits.  Prime95 uses
> the formula:   cost_of_factoring must be less than
> times 2.03 * the cost_of_an_LL_test.

Shouldn't that be 1.015 for double-checking assignments?

Also does the cost part of the calculation recognise the increased cost of
trial-factorisation after 2^64?

I've noticed on occasion that I've had to do an extra round of trial
factoring before proceeding with an doublecheck.  This indicates that
previous factorisation has been non-optimal, or have the estimates for the
relative costs of factoring vs. LL testing changed with the introduction of
new hardware?

Finally if P-1 factorisation were to be spun off into a separate work unit,
then the optimal arangement would be to trial factor while
cost_of_trial_factoring * chance_of_P-1_factoring is less than
cost_of_P-1_factoring * chance_of_trial_factoring.  Then P-1 factorise.
Then complete trial factorisation according to the above formula.

> -- George

Daran G.

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