Hi Keith,

At 02:53 PM 12/3/2001 +0000, Keith Garland wrote:
>Hi from Ireland - I have a few questions about how M39 will affect the
>allocation of current/new exponents.  Once the result has been announced I
>suppose we will recommence searching above M39?

The GIMPS project is dedicated to finding ALL Mersenne primes within
reach of today's computers.  The server will continue to hand out the
smallest available exponents without regard for M39.

If you find a new prime smaller than M39, you have found something *really*
rare - an out-of-order Mersenne prime.  Only one of those as ever been found
when Welsh and Colquitt found M110503.  Some argue that M4253 was
found out-of-order, but the computer discovered it in-order....

Most new assignments will be above M39 anyway, but if you only
want world-record candidates and the server sends you a small one
then send me an email and I'll email you a bigger one to test.  I'll also
add your suggestion to the program's wish list.

Best regards,

Unsubscribe & list info -- http://www.ndatech.com/mersenne/signup.htm
Mersenne Prime FAQ      -- http://www.tasam.com/~lrwiman/FAQ-mers

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