On 1 June 2016 at 17:34, ⚛ <0xe2.0x9a.0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 4:06 PM, Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com> wrote:
>> I think the issue here is someone comes along with no history in the project
>> and asserts that he has a great solution for a problem
> Asynchronous computation is an essential part of the solution to the
> problem (problem == faster compiler response time in Mesa).
>> while developers with
>> many years of experience know it's not that simple.
> I never wrote it was simple.
True you didn't. Yet the method you presented it implied it is that
simple. Being more explicit in what you mean will do you more good
than bad.

>> It takes time to
>> explain all this and most of us are very busy with other tasks.
> I agree. I don't have time to explain to you in detail why it will work.
>> Furthermore, people sometimes interpret no response to their ideas as
>> implicit endorsement when that's not the case at all.  Better for the
>> experienced people to give a quick no/nak than to say nothing and let
>> someone assume that his idea is supported.
> Ahh, so you feel superior. ... I am wondering how long is that feeling
> going to last.
>> I suspect that what Marek was doing.
> I don't know.
>> Finally, I think some of us have a hard time taking people seriously when
>> they don't identify themselves with their real name.
> You will have to make an exception in my case.
Dude will kindly ask you to calm down. Similar to your account request
a while you're acting immature and provocative.

Brian is one of the most reasonable and helpful people around here. I
believe we all owe his some respect if it wasn't for his skills and
contributions then at least for starting the whole project.

If you find such replies annoying/demanding/etc. I would suggest
taking a short break and replying at a later stage. Nobody is gaining
anything in such discussions.

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