On Wed, 2016-06-01 at 16:22 +1000, Timothy Arceri wrote:
> This generates the program ids at cache upload time rather than at
> program creation time.
> Moving the id generation here will be useful for on-disk shader
> cache support because it means we don't generate ids if there was
> a cache miss and we had to fall back to compiling from source.
> This increases the likelyhood of finding a match.
> This also changes the workaround that checked for an id of 0 to
> dectect a missing TCS. Now we check for the name "tcs_passthrough"
> since id will now always be 0 at this point.

The above paragraph was only true in V1 of this patch Ken made this
change as part of another series recently. I've removed this from the
commit message locally.
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