On 09/13/2016 12:26 PM, Romain Failliot wrote:
> Hi!
> I've just bought myself an RX 480 (because of the open source drivers).
> I have Fedora 24 with GNOME 3.20, linux 4.7.2, mesa 12.0.2, llvm 3.8.0.
> I tested Alien: Isolation (that I couldn't even launch with my old HD
> 6870), but there is a texture bug, see by yourself:
> https://youtu.be/zTZpWU9srL4

If I am not mistaken I believe that was a known bug that was resolved in
llvm 3.9. However that has not been version bumped yet in Fedora :<

If you are familiar you could try to compile llvm 3.9 and mesa, install
it into /usr/local and fix up the runtime linker with,

echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/ld.conf.d/test.conf && ldconfig

Perhaps someone else can chime in to confirm and/or you can file a bug
with Fedora for a version bump also.

Kind Regards,

> Also I tried Dota 2 (which was working on my old HD 6870) and there the
> textures are perfect, but the top bar is always visible and it creates
> an offset in the input (notice that the bottom of the screen is cropped):
> https://framapic.org/6vMPXK5y1tWu/hRcANfUysTdD.png
> Is there something I could do to help you?
> Thanks,
> Romain
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