On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 12:29 PM, Gert Wollny <gert.wol...@collabora.com>

> Am Donnerstag, den 03.05.2018, 11:43 -0400 schrieb Ilia Mirkin:
> > You're supposed to keep track of the bound state (usually in the
> > context). After your clear() implementation is done, you have to undo
> > all the state you've messed up on your "hardware" (or mark it dirty
> > for revalidation).
> Thanks for you answer, but I think I didn't explain the issue properly.
> The problem is not the state after the clear(), it is what is happening
> before.  To explain the specific case GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD.
> In the tests I mentioned you see following for the standalone test
> - setup contest and buffers
> - glClear(...)
> - ...
> - glDrawArrays(...)
> - check result
> - Tear down buffers and context
> On a normal host (r600 in my case) I see state updates before clear
> (initial setup) and a state update initialized by glDrawArrays.
> The state update related to the glDisable is not really transmitted to
> the hardware since it is not needed.
> On virgl the first state update isn't send to the host, but since the
> test is run stand-alone, and GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD is disabled by
> default all is fine, i.e. clear() works as expected and the glDisable
> is of no consequence.
> Now, if you run the test suite batched, you get
> - setup contest and buffers
> - FOREACH rasterizer_discard_test
> -   glClear(...)
> -   ...
> -   glDrawArrays(...)
> -   check result
> - Tear down buffers and context
> Here, at each beginning of the loop the "normal" host sends a state
> update to the hardware before clear is actually executed, because the
> blitter validates the render state. Hence
> glDisable(GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD) goes into effect in consecutive runs
> and the clear() operation actually clears the buffers.
> On virgl the current code path for virgl_clear doesn't validate the
> render state, i.e. it doesn't do a blit like drivers that directly talk
> to the hardware and that validates the render state before the actual
> drawing happens. Virgl it just sends the command indicating clear from
> the guest running in Qemu to the host, without validating the state
> first. Hence the host doesn't update the hardware state, because it
> doesn't know that glDisable(GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD) was called in the
> guest, and the blit, that will eventually be executed on the host is
> still executed as if GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD were enabled.
> Now, calling st_validate_state(st, ST_PIPELINE_RENDER) before
> virgl_clear is called solves the problem, but I see that this might not
> be thebest solution, because then all drivers that actually use the
> blitter will validate the render state a second time without need.

tl;dr. Is the problem that Clear in virgl obeys rasterizer_discard? Well
then you have a bigger problem, because rasterizer_discard should have no
effect on Clear like in this example where glClear should be executed


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