Hi, Fan

On Fri, 8 Sept 2023 at 16:20, 张凡 <1332305...@qq.com> wrote:
> Dear Mesa 3D development team:
>      I am a developer who is highly interested in Mesa 3D and has been 
> studying OpenGL extensions and Mesa 3D implementation. In my project, I have 
> encountered some questions regarding the size of dynamic_stubs and I would 
> greatly appreciate your help and guidance.
>     Firstly, I have noticed that in Mesa 3D, the size of dynamic_stubs is set 
> to 256. I am curious to know why this value has been chosen as the standard 
> size. I would like to understand the factors that were considered in 
> determining this value. Are there any specific technical reasons or 
> limitations that led to this fixed size?
>     Secondly, in my project, I need to write some custom OpenGL extension 
> functions, but I anticipate that the number of these functions may exceed 
> 256. In such a scenario, how should I proceed? How can I expand the size of 
> dynamic_stubs to accommodate a larger number of function definitions?
>     I greatly appreciate the excellent work you have been doing in Mesa 3D, 
> and I admire your expertise and experience. I believe that your guidance and 
> advice will be crucial in advancing my project.
> Thank you for taking the time to read my email, and I look forward to your 
> response.
> Best regards,
> fan zhang
> 1332305...@qq.com

I had the same confusion about the design of mapi, but I just noticed
that `dynamic_stubs` you mentioned had been dropped from mapi about 3
months ago


Maybe you could get some clues from the above MR.


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