Hello my name is  Mohd Suhail Sir, I am doing B.Tech, I am in 3rd
year, I am a frontend developer.And  fluent in C Python and I have
knowledge of graphics card also.
I am trying to work on AMD graphics.

I would love work on this project

Piglit for VA-API

   - *Difficulty:* Easy
   - *Expected Size:* 350 hr
   - *Skills Required:* C, Python
   - *Useful skills:* Multimedia
   - *Hardware/Software required:* AMD Graphics Card supporting UVD or
VCN for decode and VCE or VCN for encode
   - *Where to ask questions:* mesa-dev@lists.freedesktop.org,
#dri-devel and #radeon on irc.oftc.net
   - *Description:* Make mesa VA-API more robust with latest
gstreamer-vaapi. The goal is to provide an automated test framework
for a variety of gst vaapi pipelines to catch regressions and find new
bugs using something like piglit. Use gst vaapi pipelines from popular
apps such as vlc, mpv, mplayer, totem, and chromium as references.
Fixing some of the bugs found could be an additional stretch goal.

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