We are beta testing our little MC "internet portal" site now with about 15
users of both MACs and PCs in Ukraine, Singapore, India, USA, Canada and

So far reports are good, surprisingly, no one is having any problems at all
with the MC standalone and the download url technology. . .I expected a host
of problems but everyone says it works great. . . but we are getting
considerable variance on font matters, as expected.

In particular I set up a page where little images were lined up with text in
ARIAL font and the vertical alignment, vertical position of the images is
supposed to be in line with the base line of the lines. nine image and nine
lines in one colomn. But on a PC the text height value shrank considerably
and the image and lines are all off. Image 1 and line 1 line up and then by
the time you get to image six down the left column it is across from line 8
in the list.

OK, anyone have experience with this? Do you have a good solid working
"cross platform font principle/formula" that we should adhere to to get
things right on mac and PC? Does manually setting the font height make it
match on all platforms?


Hinduism Today

Editor's Assistant/Production Manager

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