Geoff Canyon wrote:
> Just to make sure everyone is clear: I have _no_ experience with PHP, and
> therefore can't make a recommendation one way or the other. I just know that
> direct access from MetaCard into any SQL-based database seems to be a big
> hurdle, whereas access from MetaCard to an HTML server is easy. PHP, ASP,
> ColdFusion, etc. are all designed to allow you to put an HTML front onto a
> SQL database, so to me it seems like a logical thing to use them as an
> intermediary. But I could be wrong.
> PHP is free and open source, so it's the first thing I plan to try. But that
> won't be  for a few months. If any pioneers get there first, I'll be happy
> to hear how it works out.
> gc
> on 8/31/00 6:56 AM, Gary Rathbone at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > Continuing on the database access theme can anyone please tell me (briefly)
> > what PHP is and where I can get it ...
> >
> > I currently evaluating Valentina from for new
> > projects but I would like to access existing SQL databases.
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > Gary Rathbone
> >
> >
> >> MacConsult <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said, on 8/9/00 6:35 AM:
> > --snip--
> >>> Is there any way to get data from a remote server running a SQL
> >>> Database?
> >>>
> >>> Javier Miranda V.
> >>> MC Multimedia
> > --snip--
> >
> > on 9/8/00 7:33 pm, Geoff Canyon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > --snip--...but I think the solution I would try would be PHP... --snip--
> >
> >
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A way to try (not tested for yet) :

1.- The HTTPD speaks to a first PHP TCP/IP sockets listener (on port A) who
speaks to MC who speaks to a second PHP TCP/IP sockets listener (on port B) who
speaks to an ODBC or SQL system.

2.- More complicated but probably usable too :  The HTTPD speaks to a PHP TCP/IP
sockets listener (on port A) who speaks to MC who speaks, directly, to an ODBC
or SQL files system (using read, write and update commands).

If someone is interested by an exemple of a PHP TCP/IP sockets listener able to
link Apache and MC together (and suitable for both "post" and "get" requests),
it's possible by asking for it off-list.

Best Regards, Pierre Sahores

WEB, DB, B2B & ASP design.
There are countries where people
have six fingers because they 
don't know the metric system.
Sir Jean Yanne

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