OK, we download a GIF put it into image "A" now we let the user color the
picture and now she wants to save her picture to disk as a GIF or JPEG.

on mouseUp
  ask file "Please name your picture."
  put "binary:" & it into tPicturePath
  put image "A" into url tPicturePath
end mouseUp

The above does not work. What am I doing wrong?

We want to also do a similar thing with sounds: download an mpg. set a
player to the URL, let the user play it (this works assuming the sound is
completely cached") then we want to let him save it to his hard drive. Or in
some cases we want to save the sounds into a prefs folder we have created
before.  What would be the way to do that. . .I suspect it will be very
similar handler to the above.


Hinduism Today

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