>On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Peter Reid wrote:
>>  Here are some questions that have occurred to me during my
>>  development work using MetaCard.  I'm not sure whether I'm simply
>>  missing a few tricks (not unheard of!), or whether these are genuine
>>  feature holes.
>>  Some 'constant' questions:
>>  1) Is it possible to declare global constants or are all constant
>>  declarations limited in scope to the script in which they are
>>  contained?
>They're limited to one script.  Suggestions about how to do it
>globally (like a #include in C) are welcome, but the discussion about
>this on the xtalk mailing list awhile back broke down before any
>suitable method was proposed (the big problems are establishing *when*
>the definition is to be done and what to do if the #included script
>isn't found).
>>  2) Is it possible to declare a non-printing (special) character as a
>>  constant, e.g. something like "constant CRLF = $013$010" to declare a
>>  end of line constant?
>No, but "crlf" already is a pre-defined constant ;-)
>>  3) Is it possible for a constant declaration to include expressions,
>>  e.g. something like 'constant padding = tab & "|" & tab'?
>No, they must be either strings or numbers.  Allowing escapes (like C
>strings) is something we considered but rejected.
>>  Some script debugging questions:
>>  5) Is it possible to insert some special breakpoint or trap command
>>  that let's you run scripts at near normal speed (without having the
>>  script debugger open), but that will suspend the execution and allow
>>  you to look at variable values etc. single step etc.  - i.e that will
>>  throw you into the script debugger ONLY when you reach a breakpoint?
>No, but this is on the feature-request list.
>>  6) Is it possible to 'watch' a variable, i.e. set up a monitor that
>>  only kicks in when a named variable's value changes?
>Theoretically, yes.  But there is no UI that supports this now so
>you'd have to hack up the debugger scripts, which is not an endeavor
>to be taken lightly.
>   Regards,
>     Scott

Thanks for the answers Scott - now I know (I'm not missing any tricks 
this time!).


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk

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