Three topics, several questions and a grovel.

1.  About a thousand years ago I think I might have used arrays before.  Then 
i got used to the rather more clunky Hypercard way.  Sloth, ignorance and 
anxiety have prevented me from using arrays since playing with MC.  Are there 
really big advantages to switching from the old item x of line y approach?  
What happens if you put an array into a field?  Can you put a delimiter into 
an array?  What exactly is an *associative* array as opposed to a plain old 

2.  I scripted the following to strip out duplicate lines from a list field 
(that users can put lines into, and enter duplicates by mistake).  It is my 
first attempt at using lineOffset and seems to work OK.  With some 
trepidation I am exposing it for peer commentary.    It seems hellish quick 
to me, but is it efficient?  Are there any circumstances in which it might 
break?  Does it  speed things up to put the field into a variable?  
(appologies that there are no comments, I hope it is simple enough to be self 

on mouseUp
  put field runlist into runlister
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of runlister
    repeat until it =0
      get lineOffset (line i of runlister, runlister, i)
      if it is not 0 then delete line it+i of runlister
    end repeat
    put empty into it
  end repeat
  put runlister into field runlist
end mouseUp

3.  I am chastened by Scott's recent remarks about the 'me toos' on this 
list.  I *promise* that I will send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in 
future.  From his comments I also gather that what is happening with the HP 
printers is now clear.  Would it do any good for individuals on this list to 
also report it to HP?  I work for the National Health Service in 
England....the biggest employer in Europe, that buys more than a few HP 
printers.  If I can persuade our IT department to report it, HP may sit up 
and take notice.  If it is worth doing, please someone, just give me enough 
information to make it look like I know what I am talking about.  

However, I would also like to say that part of the reluctance to report 
'bugs' is that half the time I suspect it is me doing something wrong, and 
anyway there are lots of smarter guys on the list who will report it if it is 
a bug.  We psychologists have a term for this, but sadly it has slipped my 

Best wishes

David Glasgow

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