Is there any plan to implement any sort of threading for MetaCard? Scott, 
I know I've read your comments on this before, and if I remember the 
answer was a flat no, because there is little perceived benefit and 
significantly increased complexity, both on the backend for you, and for 
scripters on the front end, in order to keep track of what the heck 
they're telling the computer to do. (Feel free to correct me if I'm 
remembering incorrectly)

I wonder if that might change in light of two things: first, with the new 
socket support, and specifically the server-in-a-stack you're including 
with it, it seems like threading would almost be a requirement. Obviously 
no one's going to try to beat Apache's benchmarks with a MetaCard stack, 
but what happens to an incoming request while you're busy processing a 
previous request if there is no threading? Is there some sort of buffer, 
or something else I'm not thinking of?

Second, I've spent just a very little time with Dan Gelder's Serf, and 
his implementation of threads in script seems fairly easy to comprehend. 
Maybe there are issues I'm not thinking of, but still, it seems like 
threads could be implemented (from our end of things) fairly 
straightforwardly, in a way that beginners wouldn't have to deal with, 
but advanced users could really get some mileage out of.

Geoff "just stirring up the pot" Canyon

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