I saw this note on the Squeak (a SmallTalk-based development environment) 
mailing list, and thought it might be of interest to this group as well:

     The Department of Energy has awarded a grant of US $860,000
     to spend over the next two years on development of
     easier-to-use software engineering tools for computational
     scientists and engineers. All of the work will be Open
     Source, in Python, and have a strong emphasis on design,
     testing, and documentation. For details, see:

Gee, do we know of any "...easier-to-use software engineering tools..."?  

They're looking for some things that don't currently exist in MetaCard 
(source code management, bug tracking, etc.) and they want open source 
(although the Python requirement is actually just that it be scriptable 
with Python), but I still think these people need to check out MetaTalk's 
simplicity to power ratio.


"C.D. Caterpillar teaches kids how to read, not how to watch cartoons."

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