In a message dated 02/16/2000 4:25:09 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< I am asking this question at the risk of being ridiculized by the entire 
 list.  I have created a card stack called index with a card containing 10 
 buttons.  Each button is supposed to open a stack. All stacks to be open 
 and the index stack are in the same directory (mc.exe is in another 
 directory). The script of the button is:
 on mouseUp
    go stack the short name of me
 end mouseUp
 When I click on the button, nothing happens. Please, be nice in your 
 answers: I am learning and I am not a programmer.  Many thanks,
 Sal >>

If you are running off mc.exe, the paths need to be from the directory where 
mc.exe resides.  Thus you would need something like:

 on mouseUp
    put "tDirectory/" & the short name of me into stackName
    go stack stackName
 end mouseUp

If the stack with the list was a standalone, the path would be from it and 
what you had would be fine.

Philip Chumbley

Philip Chumbley

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