> From: Kevin Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Sharing the Metacard Survey
> Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 17:53:12 +0100
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> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 19/4/00 4:55 pm, Mark Lacy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering what Kevin Miller and the folks at Cross Worlds would think
> about sharing the results of the Metacard survey. It would be great to see
> what other Metacard users were asking for and interested in.

>> And Kevin answered (reminding us of another posting)...
>> Ah!  Unfortunately, those results aren't going to be released - no need to
>> give the competition any extra information.  You'll have to wait to find out
>> when the next release of MetaCard comes out...
To which I reply ...

Competition? What competition? Apple is doing nothing with Hypercard,
despite the intense loyalty of its devotees (myself included). SuperCard is
still Mac-only.

Is there another cross-platform solution that even begins to touch what
MetaCard is able to do? (squeakier, higher voice here) I don't think so!
(normal voice mode) And is there another team which is so devoted to its
product and so willing to make it better? Again.... (And no, Microsoft's
Visual Basic doesn't count. Not cross platform, and not nearly so
user-friendly to amateur programmers like me).

So, if we can't get the results, OK. No harm done. At least if Scott and
Kevin worry about the competition like they have been, they will ensure that
there won't really be any!

Cheers! It's late, and I am going to bed. Got classes to teach in the
morning (and afternoon, and evening....).


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