I was interested in making a flash card maker for teachers who often make their own flash-cards. Ideally, you would be able to type anything you want on each card in a list, rapidly. Then, push a button and the items will automatically be inserted into separate fields (with about 6 to 8 fields per page, depending on the size of paper and flash cards you want), with their textSize individually adjusted to be the largest possible and still fit nicely in the field. That part is easy, I've already done it in hypercard and metacard and supercard. BUT, then, idealy, you want to hit PRINT and you want it to print out perfectly with no margins and preferably with a little line outline of each field (as a cutting guide). Unfortunately, in none of the 'cards' (super,meta,hyper) can I get the print to work well....just don't have enough control over it, it seems. Any ideas? Finally, it would be even nicer if you could insert graphics too, not just words. I suppose you could do th! is with buttons and setting icons, but would still have the printing problem. mark mitchell Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/metacard%40lists.best.com/ Info: http://www.xworlds.com/metacard/mailinglist.htm Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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