I have to say that I have also had this problem. I would copy from a word
processor doc, and try to paste it into MC, but without success.

I discovered that part of the problem one time was that I had installed the
menu bar (which traps copy and paste commands without allowing them to
pass). When I edited the menu so that cut and paste had the appropriate
commands assigned in the menuButton, things got better.

But there was one time I had not installed the menubar, and I still had
trouble. I never found out what caused that one.


 on 6/29/2000 4:15 PM, LORI FRAIND <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for this suggestion, but no, I did not make either of these
> modifications. The problem persists across several fields in a group. I am
> also unable to copy to or from Word.
> Lori
>> -----Original Message-----
>> At 12:58 PM -0400 6/28/00, LORI FRAIND wrote:
>>> The cut and paste functions between fields do not seem to be working,
>>> even
>>> though they were working earlier today. Is there a way of (inadvertently)
>>> setting fields to not allow cut and paste? The cut function does not even
>>> seem to be working if I switch over to Word and try to paste the text
>>> there.
>>> Thanks.

Dave Cragg [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] replied:
>> Hi
>> Have you introduced any handlers that might trap the cut or paste
>> actions? rawKeyDown or commandKeyDown are the ones I can think of
>> that would do this.
>> Cheers
>> Dave Cragg
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