>..mt newbie here, running mc on a Linux/Apache home server...
>This mt script, when called over the internet thru a browser by an html
>form's submit button, successfully puts stdin into the specified file but
>the error logs show "premature end of script headers":
>on startup
>  if $REQUEST_METHOD is "POST" then
>    read from stdin until empty
>    put it into url "file:rawdata.txt"
>  end if
>end startup
>What am I doing wrong?

Try writing something back to the client (including headers), it might help.

>BTW, how are file paths specified in unix/linux? For example, if
>"rawdata.txt" were in "/home/www/results/", would it be:
>put it into url "file:/home/www/results/rawdata.txt"


>Thank you in advance.
>Nicolas R Cueto
>Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/metacard@lists.runrev.com/
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Regards, Andu

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