Recently, "Shari"  wrote:

>> Such protections are afforded all password-protected stacks, standalone or
>> not.
> But if you are creating a standalone to distribute, a password is a
> bad thing.  The objective is to create a program, to distribute, but
> have whatever data you want "hidden" to remain that way even if
> someone tries to get into it.  It is easier to "break into" a stack
> than a standalone, at least in Hypercard.  So I'm assuming that MC is
> similar.  That's why I prefer data not to be in a stack.  But since
> that is not an option, how would one best protect the stack?  So that
> the standalone can store and retrieve data from it, but people can't
> get into it.

Setting the password of a stack does not simply prevent access to editing
the scripts in MC/Rev -- it tokenizes the scripts so they are unreadable.
Other folks have pointed out that one can open the scripts of a stack in a
text editor; the same can be done with a standalone.  However, if the stack
(or standalone) is given a password, the scripts are not readable.  Try this
and see for yourself.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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