1)  That's what "support" is paid to worry about!

2)  It's *always* gets more complicated to more you think about it  - I go
by how much money I'm getting paid...(whatever)

An old and cynical, worked to sunrise too many times for perfection when
nobody cared, blah, blah, blah

P.S. forgive me if I sound, well, old and cynical?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Rossi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 05, 1970 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: Looking For Suggestions

> Thanks for the suggestion. However, it doesn't take into account a
> situation where the app is unable to clean up after itself, such as
> after a system crash.  Then the system would be stuck with an "app
> busy" message and be unable to launch the app at all.  If there was a
> way to identify the app busy message with, for example, an addressable
> ID of the running app, your solution could work, but right now I can't
> see how this is possible.
> This problem is a little more complicated than it seems. :-)

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