Klaus on-rev wrote:

Would you like to output
a: ppc, fat AND intel apps at the same time like Rev does?
This would require to create subfolder(s) in the target directory!

b: ppc OR fat OR intel apps = only one app at a time?

I don't build standalones in MC any more, so I'm not sure my vote should count. But for my needs, choosing one type of standalone at a time (option "b") would be fine. I no longer support PPC in my work, so I would never need to build for all. I almost always build only fat versions for OS X. That may change later, and I may build only for intel in the future.

- Added a new Menu "Window", where you can easily switch windows.

Wonderful! I've missed that in MC, and have been too lazy to add it myself. Thanks!

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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